Pushed Bookmarks
Pushed bookmarks are stored on a stack. New bookmarks can be pushed onto the stack, preserving the
current location. Popping the stack removes the top bookmark and navigates the cursor to the location of
the previous bookmark. Pushed bookmarks do not have names and cannot be manipulated on the Book-
marks view.
Pushing a Bookmark
To push a bookmark for the current line, click Search → Push Bookmark or use the push_bookmark
command. Additionally, you can use the key binding Ctrl+Dot (push_tag command) to move the cursor
from a symbol to its definition, or Ctrl+/ (push_ref command) to navigate from a symbol to its reference,
pushing a bookmark in the process. Pushing a bookmark will place the current line on the bookmark
stack. A bookmark stack is simply an internal list of pushed bookmarks.
By default, push_bookmark is not bound to a key. Key bindings can be set with the Key Bind-
ings dialog (click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then
double-click the Key Bindings setting). For more information, see Creating Bindings.
Popping a Bookmark
Popping a bookmark will "pop back," or return to, the location of the top bookmark pushed on the book-
mark stack, removing the bookmark in the process. To pop a bookmark, press Ctrl+Comma. You can
also use the menu item Search → Pop Bookmark or the pop_bookmark command.
If the option Automatically close visited files is selected in the General Options dialog (Win-
dow → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the Gen-
eral setting and select the General Tab), the file will be closed if it is unmodified and the book-
mark was created through symbol navigation. See Symbol Navigation for more information.
Viewing Pushed Bookmarks
Pushed bookmarks do not appear in the Bookmarks view, and by default, no visual indicator is displayed
in the editor window. To display a visual indicator, click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and
click General in the tree, then double-click on the General setting. Select the Search Tab, then select the
option Show pushed bookmarks. This will display a blue Bookmark bitmap in the left margin of the edit-
or window for each new pushed bookmark.
Setting Bookmark Options
Setting Bookmark Options