Option Description
* Used with the “Search hidden text” (H) or “Highlight
matches” (#) options to find all matches and un-hide
or highlight them.
& Use Wildcard regular expression syntax (*, ?).
# Highlight matched patterns with highlight color.
V (Replace commands only) Preserve case. When
specified, each occurrence found is checked for all
lowercase, all uppercase, first word capitalized, or
mixed case. The replace string is converted to the
same case as the occurrence found except when
the occurrence found is mixed case (possibly mul-
tiple capitalized words). In this case, the replace
string is used without modification.
$ (Replace commands only) Replaced occurrences
are highlighted with modified color.
To set default search options, see Search Tab.
If the * option is not specified, you will be prompted with the message Yes/
No/Last/Go/Quit/Suspend? for each occurrence of the "Search for" string.
Replace and c Commands
The replace commands, replace and c, can be used in the command line. The syntax of these com-
mands is:
The available options are the same as for the find and slash(/) commands (see Find and Slash (/) Com-
mands above).
You can perform one of the following actions with the replace command (c) by pressing the correspond-
ing key:
Table 6.11. Replace Key
Find and Replace Commands