// The quick brown fox[CURSOR_HERE] jumped over the lazy dog.
String Editing
If Split strings on Enter is selected, when you press Enter to split a line when the cursor is inside of a
string, the closing and opening quotes and, if necessary, operators, will automatically be inserted, and the
string will be aligned with the original string. For example:
String x = "The quick brown fox [CURSOR_HERE]jumped over the lazy dog.";
Pressing Enter will result in:
String x = "The quick brown fox "+
"[CURSOR_HERE]jumped over the lazy dog.";
Comment Wrap Tab
Comment wrapping options can be configured for C, C++, C#, Java, and Slick-C® files. These options are
currently unavailable for other languages. Use the Comment Wrap tab to activate comment wrapping
and configure options for how block, line, and doc comments are wrapped.
After configuring comment wrap settings, you can use the Reflow Comment dialog to reflow block
comments, paragraphs, or a selection of the current file. See Reflowing Comments.
To access the Comment Wrap tab, from the main menu click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEd-
it and click General in the tree, then double-click the File Extension Setup setting. On the Extension Op-
tions dialog, make sure the extension you want to work with is selected in the Extension box, then select
the Comment Wrap tab.
Figure 10.36. Extension Options: Comment Wrap Tab
Extension Options Dialog