The tabs on the Ada Beautifier are described in the sections below.
Indent Tab
The following settings are available:
• Indent with tabs - When checked, tab characters are used for leading indent of lines. This value de-
faults to the Tabs text box on the Indent Tab of the Extension Options dialog box (Window → Prefer-
ences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File Extension Setup
• Indent for each level (Syntax indent) - The amount to indent for each new nesting level. The words
"Syntax indent" are in parenthesis to help indicate that this field has the same meaning as the Syntax
indent text box on the Indent Tab of the Extension Options dialog box (Window → Preferences, ex-
pand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File Extension Setup setting). By
default, this text box is initialized with the current extension setup setting.
• Tab size - Specifies output tab size. The output tab size is only used if the Indent with tabs check box
is selected on the Indent Tab of the Extension Options dialog box (Window → Preferences, expand
SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File Extension Setup setting). This value
defaults to the Syntax indent text box on the Indent Tab of the Extension Options dialog box.
• Original tab size - Specifies what the original file's tab expansion size was. It is necessary to know the
tab expansion size of your original file to handle reusing indent amounts from your original file. Cur-
rently the beautifier only reuses the original source file’s indenting for comments. This option has no ef-
fect if the original file has no tab characters.
• Continued Lines
• Max line length - Specifies the maximum length a statement line can be before it is wrapped to a
new line. Set this value to 0 to preserve line breaks.
• Continuation indent - Specifies how much to indent lines of statements which continue to the next
line. This has no affect on assignment statements or parenthesized expressions. Lines which are a
continuation of an assignment statement are indented after the first equal sign (=). Lines which are a
continuation of a parenthesized expression are indented after the open paren.
• Operator position - Specify where the operator should be positioned when breaking a statement
across multiple lines. For example, given the statement:
Seconds := Days * Hours_Per_Day * Minutes_Per_Hour * Seconds_Per_Minute ;
An operator position setting of End of same line would result in:
Seconds := Days *
Hours_Per_Day *
Minutes_Per_Hour *
Seconds_Per_Minute ;
Ada Beautifier