well. This command ignores hidden lines and only copies visible text. This operation does not work with
block selections.
• To redisplay all lines and remove the Plus and Minus bitmaps: From the main menu click View →
Show All (show_all command).
Expanding/Collapsing Code Blocks
SlickEdit® Core provides a way to expand and collapse code blocks without having to clutter the gutter
with Selective Display bitmaps. You can expand or collapse blocks of code by using the plusminus com-
mand, whether or not Selective Display Plus or Minus bitmaps are displayed.
The plusminus command expands or collapses code blocks under the following conditions:
• If the cursor is on the first line of a code block, the block is collapsed, creating a new Selective Display
• If the cursor is on a line that contains a Plus (+) bitmap, the block is expanded.
• If the cursor is on a line that contains a Minus (-) bitmap, the expanded block is collapsed.
• The definition of a "code block" is based on your language.
• The plusminus command is controlled by the def_plusminus_blocks configuration variable.
The value is set to true (1) by default. For more information, see ConfigurationVariables.
• The plusminus command uses the same logic to identify code blocks as the command
cut_code_block. See Deleting Code Blocks for more information.
Selective Display Regions
Using the Selective Display dialog, you can choose the regions you want to display or hide. Specific set-
tings are provided for each region.
• Search Text - Displays lines that contain the specified search string or lines that do not contain the spe-
cified string.
• Function Definitions - Displays only function headings and optionally, function heading comments.
• Preprocessor Directives - Displays a source file as if it were preprocessed according to the define val-
ues specified here. If you do not remember your defines, use the Scan for Defines button.
• Multi-Level - Select this option to set multiple levels of Selective Display based on braces or indent.
• Paragraphs - Displays the first line of each paragraph. A paragraph is defined by a group of lines fol-
lowed by one or more blank lines.
• Hide Selection - Select this option to hide the lines in the current selection.
Selective Display