5. Click OK.
Toggling Between Begin and End XML Tags
Place the cursor anywhere on the begin or end tag and press Ctrl+] to find the corresponding end or be-
gin tag respectively.
This section describes some of the features and options that are available for HTML, including extension-
specific options, the HTML Beautifier, and more.
HTML support includes Context Tagging®, a beautifier, Color Coding, Syntax Expansion, and Syntax In-
denting for HTML, JSP, and ASP. Many of the language features in SlickEdit ® Core are supported for lan-
guages embedded in HTML, including Context Tagging, Color Coding, SmartPaste®, Syntax Expansion,
and Syntax Indenting.
When working with HTML files, you can toggle between the begin and end HTML tags by press-
ing Ctrl+].
Exporting to HTML
To save the current open buffer as HTML file with formatting and color coding, use the export_html com-
Configuring the Web Browser
To specify the Web browser that is used for previewing, from the main menu click Window → Prefer-
ences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the Web Browser Setup set-
ting. The Web Browser Setup dialog is displayed, as shown below. See Web Browser Setup Dialog for a
list of option descriptions.
Figure 7.23. Web Browser Setup Dialog