#define MYNAMESPACEDECL(name) namespace name {
#define MYPACKEDMACRO __packed
#define MTYPELESS void*
#define MYPOINTER(t) t*
#define MYNULL ((void*)0)
Among them, the only two that are harmless are MYTYPELESS and MYNULL, because they just create
name aliases for types or constants. However, the other four are troublesome and cause the entire code
snippet to be unparsable unless you configure SlickEdit Core to be aware of these preprocessor macros.
To do so, complete the following steps:
1. From the main menu, click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree,
then double-click the File Extension Setup setting. The Extension Options dialog is displayed.
2. From the Extension drop-down list, select the C extension.
3. Click the Options button at the bottom of the dialog. The C/C++ Formatting Options dialog is dis-
4. Select the Other tab.
5. Click the C/C++ Preprocessing button to display the C/C++ Preprocessing dialog.
Figure 7.12. C/C++ Preprocessing Dialog
6. Click New to add new preprocessing macros. Arguments are allowed; for example, mymacro(a,b,c)
C/C++ Preprocessing