2. Select alias.slk and click OK. The Alias Editor dialog appears.
3. Click New, then type the characters you wish to use for an identifier in the Alias Name text box.
4. Click OK. The identifier you entered is now displayed in the list box in the Alias Editor dialog.
5. Make sure your new identifier is selected, then in the large text box to the right, enter the alias value by
typing in the directory path that you want the identifier substituted with.
6. Click OK.
Using Directory Aliases
After the directory aliases are defined, you can use them in any text box or buffer, including the command
line and fields on the Open and Change Directory dialogs. For example, to open a file from the command
line using a directory alias, complete the following steps:
1. On the command line, type e (for "edit").
2. Type the alias name (identifier) for the directory where the file resides.
3. Press Ctrl+Space to expand the alias.
4. Type the name of the file to open.
5. Press Enter.
Embedding Environment Variables in Directory Aliases
Directory Aliases