• Incremental search highlighting - If checked, when an incremental search is performed, matching
occurrences will be highlighted with two colors: one for the current match at the cursor, and one for
all possible matches. Highlights are removed when the incremental search command terminates.
Highlight colors can be set using the Color Settings Dialog (Window → Preferences, expand
SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the Color setting). Select the items I-
Search Current Match and I-Search Highlight from the element list. See Incremental Searching for
more information.
• Bookmarks - These options provide for the control and viewing of bookmarks. See Bookmarks for
more information.
• Use workspace bookmarks - By default, bookmarks are stored globally and are visible in all work-
spaces. If this option is checked, bookmarks are associated with the workspace used to create them,
even if the files they are in are not part of the workspace. When you switch workspaces, the Book-
marks view will display only the bookmarks associated with this workspace.
• Show set bookmarks - If checked, a green Bookmark bitmap is displayed in the left margin of the
editor control corresponding to the bookmarks you have set.
• Show pushed bookmarks - If checked, a blue Bookmark bitmap is displayed in the left margin of
the editor control corresponding with each location on your bookmark stack. This helps you see
where "Pop Bookmark" will go.
• Close deletes pushed bookmarks - If checked, when a buffer is closed (quit), any pushed book-
marks remaining in that file are removed. This option is helpful for buffer management, because it
prevents buffers which were explicitly closed from coming back when you pop up out of your book-
mark stack.
• Max stack depth - By default, the maximum stack depth for the bookmark stack is set to 15 entries.
If you push more than this number of bookmarks, the oldest bookmark will be removed. Enter the
number of entries that you want the bookmark stack to hold in this field.
Selections Tab
The Selections tab, pictured below, is where you can set preferences for selections. These options are
accessed from the main menu: Click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the
tree, then double-click the General setting. On the General Options dialog, select the Selections tab. For
more information about working with selections, see Selections.
Figure 10.26. General Options: Selections Tab
General Options Dialog