Brief regular expressions are defined in the following table.
Table 11.16. Brief Regular Expressions
Brief Regular Expression Definition
% Matches beginning of line.
< Matches beginning of line.
$ Matches end of line.
> Matches end of line.
? Matches any character except newline.
* Minimal match of zero or more of any character ex-
cept newline. This is the same as ?@.
X+ Minimal match of one or more occurrences of X.
See Minimal versus Maximal Matching for more in-
X\:* Maximal match of zero or more of any character ex-
cept newline. This is the same as ?\:@.
X\:@ Maximal match of zero or more occurrences of X.
X\:+ Maximal match of one or more occurrences of X.
X\:n1 Matches exactly n1 occurrences of X. Use {} to
avoid ambiguous expressions. For example, a:9{}1
searches for nine instances of the letter a followed
by a 1.
X\:n1, Maximal match of at least n1 occurrences of X.
X\:,n2 Maximal match of at least zero occurrences but not
more than n2 occurrences of X.
X\:n1,n2 Maximal match of at least n1 occurrences but not
more than n2 occurrences of X.
X\:n1? Match exactly n1 occurrences of X.
X\:n1,? Minimal match of at least n1 occurrences of X.
Brief Regular Expressions