myLongMethodName(new ActionListener() { // special case anonymous class
first argument
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
Java Beautifier
To beautify Java source code, from the main menu click Format → Beautify (or use the gui_beautify
command). The Java Beautifier dialog appears, where you can specify preferences for how the code is
beautified. The Java Beautifier contains the same options and settings as the C/C++ Beautifier. See C/
C++ Beautifier for more information.
Javadoc Beautifier
To beautify Javadoc comments or set up Javadoc Beautifier options, first invoke the Javadoc Editor by
right-clicking within the edit window and selecting Edit Javadoc Comments. Then click the Options but-
ton. The Javadoc Beautifier Options dialog is displayed. The following settings are available:
• Align parameter comments to longest parameter name - If checked, the parameters are aligned to
the length of the longest parameter name. If the parameter name length is less than the minimum
length, the minimum length is used. If the parameter length is longer than the maximum parameter
length, the description for the parameter will start on the next line.
• Align exception comments to longest exception name - If checked, the exceptions are aligned to
the length of the longest exception name. If the exception name length is less than the minimum length,
the minimum length is used. If the exception length is longer than the maximum exception length, the
description of the parameter will start on the next line.
• Align return comments - Indicates whether @return comments should be aligned to the first line of
comment text. No alignment is performed if tags which are indent-sensitive such as the <pre> tag are
• Align deprecated comments - Indicates whether @return comments should be aligned to the first line
of comment text. No alignment is performed if tags which are indent-sensitive such as the <pre> tag
are used.
Java Beautifier