File Search Order
Search Order for Configuration Files
Several files are automatically searched for, either immediately when the editor is invoked or during the
course of operation. The search order for configuration files such as vslick.ini, vslick.sta, and
vrestore.slk is:
1. Configuration directory. The configuration directory is defined by the VSLICKCONFIG environment
2. If VSLICKCONFIG is not defined, then My Documents\My SlickEdit Core Config is used.
3. Current directory.
4. Paths specified in VSLICKPATH environment variable.
5. Paths specified in PATH environment variable.
Search Order for Executable Files
The search order for executable files, batch macro programs, and miscellaneous files is:
1. Current directory.
2. Configuration directory. The configuration directory is defined by the VSLICKCONFIG environment
3. If VSLICKCONFIG is not defined, then My Documents\My SlickEdit Core Config is used.
4. Paths specified in VSLICKPATH environment variable.
5. Paths specified in PATH environment variable.
Search Order for Configuration