
Nested paren list item - A parenthesized item that is itself enclosed in a larger parenthesized list.
For example, before beautify:
Default_Data : constant Data_Type :=
( A_Set => ( others => ( Item1 => false ,
Item2 => false ,
Item3 => false ) ) , -- Paren’d item enclosed
in larger paren’d list
B_Set => ( others => ( Item1 => false ,
Item2 => false ,
Item3 => false ) ) ) ;
After beautify:
Default_Data : constant Data_Type :=
( A_Set => ( others => ( Item1 => false ,
Item2 => false ,
Item3 => false ) ) , -- Paren’d item enclosed
in larger paren’d list
B_Set => ( others => ( Item1 => false ,
Item2 => false ,
Item3 => false ) ) ) ;
Before - Specify how many blank lines are inserted before item.
After - Specify how many blank lines are inserted after item.
Between - Specify how many blank lines are inserted between like items.
Comments Tab
The following options are available on the Comments tab:
Comment lines immediately below a type declaration indented by - The amount to indent a com-
ment appearing immediately below a TYPE declaration.
Trailing comments - Trailing comments appear at the end of lines which contain statements or declar-
ations. For example:
A := B + C ; -- This is a trailing comment
-- This is not a trailing comment
procedure foo ( A_Var : Boolean ) ;
Specific column - When selected, trailing comments are placed at the specified column.
Indent by - When selected, trailing comments are indented by the specified number of columns after
Ada Beautifier