The following options are available:
• AutoSave activated - Activates AutoSave, which prevents you from losing data when an abnormal ed-
itor exit occurs (possibly from a power loss).
The AutoSave temporary files are placed in a directory named autosave in the configuration directory.
Usually, the AutoSave temporary files are deleted when you exit SlickEdit® Core. After a file is saved or
closed, the AutoSave temporary file is deleted the next time AutoSave occurs. AutoSave temporary
files are only needed for files that are modified.
The current implementation of AutoSave does not save files that have are not named. In addition,
AutoRestore does not restore files that do not exist on the disk drive of your system. Save your file at
least one time to ensure that the file has a file name and exists on the disk drive.
• Save after period of inactivity - The value that you enter in this field specifies the amount of idle time,
in minutes or seconds, when modified files should be saved. Set this value to 0 if you do not want this
option ignored.
• Exit SlickEdit on AutoSave - When this option is selected, Eclipse with SlickEdit Core closes after an
• Save after period of time - Specifies amount of time in minutes or seconds when modified files should
be saved. Set this value to 0 if you want this option ignored.
• AutoSave directory - The directory that you specify in this field is the AutoSave directory if the Save to
File Options Dialog