Environment Variable Description
VST Specifies additional command line arguments to the
macro compiler as if you typed them in when invok-
ing the compiler.
VSLICKXNOBLINK Suppresses the blinking cursor.
VSLICKXNOPLUSNEWMSG Suppresses a message when starting a second in-
stance of SlickEdit Core.
Setting Environment Variables in vslick.ini
Place configuration environment settings in the file vslick.ini. This file is located in the following de-
fault directory based on your platform (if it does not exist, it can be created manually):
• Windows: .../My Documents/My SlickEdit Core Config/Editor_Version/
• Linux: $HOME/.secore/editor_version/
Below is text from a sample vslick.ini file with an environment section, where vslick is the path to the
root of the core SlickEdit plug-in: /eclipse/plugins/com.slickedit.core_VERSION
VSLICKLOAD=a: +l b: +l
VSLICKSAVE=a: +o b: +o
When the editor starts, the following environment variables are created by the editor:
• VSDRIVE - Drive letter followed by a colon (:) where editor executable resides.
• VSDIR - Directory of editor executable with a trailing backslash (UNIX: slash).
Environment variables can be embedded in any line within a section by placing % characters around the
environment variable.
Using the set Command
Change or view the environment while running through the set command. The operation of the built-in set
command is almost identical to the DOS SET command. Use the set command to temporarily change
one of the configuration environment variables or any other environment variable. For a complete listing
Setting Environment Variables
in vslick.ini