Many commands that display dialog boxes have equivalent commands that prompt for arguments on the
command line or on the Eclipse message area. For faster prompting than the dialog boxes allow, you can
choose to be prompted for arguments on the command line instead. To set this option, from the main
menu, click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click
the General setting. On the General Options dialog, select the General Tab, then select the option Com-
mand line prompting. To be more selective than this option permits, change the key bindings. For ex-
ample, to be prompted only on the command line when opening files, bind the edit command to Ctrl+O,
which is bound to the gui_open command by default.
The following table contains a partial list of user interface commands and their command line counter-
Table 3.1. UI Commands vs. Command Line Counterpart
Graphical Command Command Line Version
gui_open edit
gui_find find
gui_replace replace
gui_write_selection put
gui_append_selection append
gui_margins margins
gui_tabs tabs
gui_find_proc find_proc
Common SlickEdit® Core Commands
Commands are essentially the names of functions. The following is a list of commands that we use fre-
quently in our own work, which you may also find useful.
Table 3.2. Common SlickEdit Core Commands
Command Description
e file Edit a file
number Go to line number
Common SlickEdit® Core Com-