Find and Replace View
You can use the Find and Replace view (Ctrl+F or Search → SlickEdit Search/Replace) to specify
search and replace options and conduct search and replace operations on selections, single files, or mul-
tiple files.
Figure 6.28. Find and Replace View
Saving Search and Replace Values
When the Find and Replace view is invoked, the options that were used for your last search are dis-
played, providing a way to repeat the last search. Options also persist when switching between the tabs.
Pressing F7 and F8 retrieves previous and next responses, respectively.
Search and replace values can be saved as named operations. Saving preserves the values of all of the
fields in the Find and Replace view so that the search and/or replace operation can be repeated in the fu-
ture with the same results. To save the search/replace, right-click in the Find and Replace view. Select
Saved Search Expressions, then select Save Search Expression from the submenu. You will be
Find and Replace View