different directory option has been selected. If the AutoSave directory is blank,
<configuration_directory>\autosave is used. The configuration directory is defined by the
VSLICKCONFIG environment variable. If the VSLICKCONFIG environment variable is not set, the dir-
ectory in the editor executable directory is used as the configuration directory.
• Save to different directory - Setting this option specifies that all AutoSave temporary files be placed in
the directory specified by the AutoSave directory text box. Use this option to clean up or find all of the
AutoSave files if an abnormal editor exit occurs.
When editing two files with the same name but in different directories, one AutoSave temporary
file is overwritten by the other.
• Same name, different extension - This option, when set, specifies that the AutoSave file be placed in
the same directory as the file that is being auto-saved but it is given a different extension. The third
character of the extension is replaced with a ~ character. The length of the extension is padded with un-
derscores if the length of the extension is less than three characters. For example, the AutoSave file for
test.c is test.c_~. The AutoSave file for test.prg is test.pr~. If you are editing two files in the
same directory which differ only by the third character, one AutoSave temporary file will be overwritten
by the other.
• Same name - Setting this option specifies that the modified files be automatically saved. No AutoSave
temporary files are created.
• Largest file to AutoSave (K) - Files greater than the value that you type in this field are not automatic-
ally saved. Set this value to 0 if you want all files auto saved.
File Filters Tab
The File Filters tab, shown below, contains filtering options for opening and saving files. To access filters,
click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File
Options setting. On the File Options dialog, select the File Filters tab.
Figure 10.44. File Options: File Filters Tab
File Options Dialog