is displayed, allowing you to pick a color from the palette, or set your own custom color using RGB val-
If you have chosen the Selection screen element, note that SlickEdit Core will attempt to render
selections using your normal color settings for the Foreground color. The selected foreground
color will only be used if there is not enough contrast between the font colors to be readable. It is
best to specify a Background color for selections that is as close as possible to your normal
background color, ensuring that the color-coded fonts are still easy to read.
4. If you change the background color for an element in the editor window, you can use the Sync Back-
grounds button to propagate the background color for the currently selected element to other related
elements. For example, if you change the background color for Keywords you will probably want that
same color used for Strings, Comments, Numbers, etc. The Sync Backgrounds button prevents you
from having to manually make all these changes.
5. If you want, choose a Font Style for the text.
6. Click Apply to update the colors that you have modified without closing the dialog box, or click OK to
apply the changes and close the dialog.
For a complete list of all of the options available on the Color Settings dialog, see Color Settings Dialog.
Using Color Schemes
Color schemes store the settings for all screen elements, allowing you to quickly change the look of your
editing environment. Several predefined color schemes are provided, and you can create your own.
To use color schemes, click the Schemes button on the Color Settings dialog (see the previous screen
shot). To try a different color scheme, from the Color scheme drop down text box, select a color scheme
and click Apply. A sample of the color scheme is displayed in the Sample text box. To use this color
scheme, click OK.
To define a new color scheme, set your colors for the various screen elements and click Save Scheme.
User-defined color schemes are stored in the uscheme.ini file located in your configuration directory.
You can change the name of a scheme by clicking Rename Scheme.
Setting an Embedded Language Color
The option Set embedded language color allows you to specify the colors used for embedded lan-
guages. These occur when a file of one type embeds a language of another type within it, like HTML files
containing JavaScript. For HTML, the syntax color coding recognizes the <script language="???"> tag
and uses embedded language colors for the new language. In addition, for Perl and UNIX shell scripts,
you can prefix your HERE document terminator with one of the color coding lexer names to get embed-
ded language color coding. The following is an example for Perl:
print <<HTMLEOF
Setting Colors for Screen Ele-