Value of style Description
Intel Assembler).
octo Octal numbers are of the form ddddO (like Intel As-
octq Octal numbers are of the form ddddQ (like Intel As-
poundbase Based numbers are of the form
#base#number#exponent (like Ada).
underlineint Numbers may have underlines between the num-
bers (like Ada).
xhex Hexadecimal numbers are of the form 0xhhhh (like
nonumbers Do not color-code numbers. This style is useful for
tag languages like HTML. Using this style with other
number color-coding styles will produce unpredict-
able results.
rexxhex Hexadecimal strings are followed by an upper or
lowercase letter X. For example, '414141'X or
414141X are REXX-style hexadecimal strings that
are both equivalent to the string AAA.
packageimport Language has Java syntax package and import
statement where non-quoted file name follows
package and import keyword.
idparenfunction An identifier followed by an open parenthesis indic-
ates a function (like C++ and Java).
html Enables HTML syntax embedded languages and
attribute coloring.
backslashescapechars Backslash escapes the character that follows.
heredocument Enables support for Here documents. Note that if
you prefix the terminator with one of the lexer
names, you will get embedded language color-
perl Adds support for Perl format statement and some
other Perl-specific changes.
Creating a Lexer Name and a
New VLX File