of configuration environment variables, see the table above. The syntax of the set command is:
set [envvar_name [=value]]
When you invoke the set command with no parameters, a new buffer is created and the current environ-
ment variable settings are inserted. The current value of an individual environment variable may be re-
trieved by executing the set command followed by the name of the environment variable. Specify the
name of the environment variable followed by an equal sign and the new value will replace the value of an
existing environment variable or assign a value to a new environment variable.
To remove an environment variable, specify the name of the environment variable followed by an equal
sign, but omit the value parameter (ex. set classpath=). The DOS command shell removes environment
variables in this way also.
The following steps are a convenient way to change the PATH environment variable:
1. Press Esc to toggle the cursor to the command line.
2. Type set path and press Enter. This will place the current value of the PATH variable on the command
3. Edit the current value and press Enter.
You can use the above steps to change the value of any other environment variable by specifying a differ-
ent environment variable name in the second step. The set command supports completion on the envir-
onment variable name. Typing set ? on the command line will give you a selection list of all of the envir-
onment variable names.
Configuration Variables