Extension Options
The behavior of the editor can be customized for files based on specific language extensions. The Exten-
sion Options dialog box (shown below) contains the settings that can be configured for file extensions. To
display this dialog, from the main menu, click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click Gen-
eral in the tree, then double-click the File Extension Setup setting. Alternatively, display the dialog by
using the setupext command.
Figure 7.1. Extension Options Dialog
Be sure to select the extension you want to affect from the Extension drop-down list before configuring
any settings. For a complete of options and buttons on this dialog, see Extension Options Dialog.
Referring to Extensions
When an extension refers to another extension, both extensions operate exactly the same. That is, all
Context Tagging®, template editing, word processing options, and all other extension options are the
same. In addition, modifying the extension option information for either extension updates both exten-
sions. For example, by default, the H and CPP extensions refer to the C file extension. Modify the H or
CPP extension setup to modify the extension setup for all three extensions. In addition, the H and CPP
extensions use the same Context Tagging settings as the C extension.
Extension Options