Configuration Variable Description
def_plusminus_blocks When the value is set to 1, the plusminus com-
mand will try to find code blocks to expand or col-
lapse if the cursor is on a line that does not have a
Plus or Minus bitmap on it. The default is 1.
def_preplace Default is 1. If the value is set to 0, the save com-
mand will NOT prompt you if you are inadvertently
overwriting a file. For example, if you invoke the
command save xyz, and an xyz file already exists,
and xyz is not the name of the current buffer, you
are prompted by default whether you wish to over-
write the file.
def_rwprompt Default is 1. Change this to 0 to suppress the pop-
up that asks: Do you want to update the
read-only attribute of the file on
def_save_macro Default is 1. Set this variable to 0 if you do not want
to be prompted with the Save Macro dialog box
after ending macro recording.
def_shift_updown_line_select Set this value to 1 for Shift+Up or Shift+Down to
select the current line.
def_switchbuf_cd Set this variable equal to 1 to change the current
working directory to the file that currently has focus
in the editor.
def_top_bottom_push_bookmark Set this variable to 1 to push a bookmark whenever
you jump to the top or bottom of the buffer. Note
that even when this variable is set, no bookmarks
are pushed when using the current buffer as a build
window (.process buffer). The default value is 0.
def_undo_with_cursor Set this value to 1 to enable the undo of each curs-
or movement.
def_update_context_max_file_size This variable increases the array size in bytes of a
file that is too large. The default size of files that can
be processed by Context Tagging® is 4 MB. The
size can be lowered by changing this variable and
setting it to equal the size that you want (in bytes).
def_vc_advanced_options Set to this variable to 0 to remove advanced options
Table of Configuration Variables