menu inside the list of parameters.
Template Options Dialog
Use this dialog to edit options that are common to all templates. You can launch this dialog from the Tem-
plate Manager dialog by clicking the Options button.
Global Substitution Parameters
The Global substitution parameters area on the Template Options dialog lists the substitution paramet-
ers that are common to all templates. A common substitution parameter, for example, could be "author"
where the parameter value is your name. You could then create code templates that automatically fill in a
header comment with the author's (your) name.
Add, Edit, and Delete operations are accessible from the buttons on the right side or from the context
menu inside the list of parameters.
Add File Dialog
Used to add a file to a template. To launch this dialog, right-click on a file in the Files tab of the Template
Manager dialog, and select Add File, or use the Add File button. The dialog contains the following:
• Source file name - When a file is created from a template, as when adding an item template from the
Add New Item dialog, it is created from the source file with this file name.
• Copy source file to template directory - Check this option to place a copy of the file in the current
template's directory and change the source file name to point to the new file in the template. The file is
not copied until you click OK.
• Target file name - When a file is created from a template, as when adding an item template from the
Add New Item dialog, the file name of the file that is created on disk is formed from the target file name
in the location you specify. Use the menu button to the right of this field to insert common pre-defined
substitution parameters. For example, $fileinputname$ is the item name provided on the Add New
Item dialog when adding an item template to your project.
• Replace parameters in target file content - Check this option if you want substitution parameters em-
bedded in the content of the target file to be replaced when the file is created from the template, as
when adding an item template to your project from the Add New Item dialog.
• Preview - Previews how the file would be copied when creating the file from a template as if the source
file name and target file name were fully resolved.
Add Parameter Dialog
Used to add a custom substitution parameter to a template. This dialog is launched when performing an
Add operation from the Custom Parameters tab of the Template Manager Dialog. When files are created
Template Options Dialog