If using Brief emulation and a clipboard is wanted when cutting text, bind the commands
cut_word, cut_end_line, and cut_line to the appropriate keys.
A stack of the last 15 (default maximum) of the most recently used clipboards is kept. You can change the
maximum number of clipboards in the General Options dialog box (click Window → Preferences, expand
SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the General setting. On the General Options
dialog, select the General Tab). To see a list of clipboards you have created, press Ctrl+Shift+V (Edit →
List Clipboards or list_clipboards command). The Select Text to Paste dialog box appears.
The numbers on the far left are used to help move the selection cursor. The number following the clip-
board type indicates the number for complete or partial lines of text in the clipboard.
Only clipboards of one line can be inserted into the command line or text box. Both Ctrl+V and
Ctrl+Shift+V key sequences insert clipboard text into the text area or the command line. The result of in-
serting a clipboard into the text area varies depending on the clipboard type.
A LINE type clipboard is inserted after the current line by default. If you want LINE type clipboards inser-
ted before the current line, change the line insert style (click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit
and click General in the tree, then double-click the General setting. On the General Options dialog, select
the More Tab). A BLOCK type clipboard is inserted before the current character and pushes over all text
intersecting with the block. No lines are inserted. A CHAR type clipboard is inserted before the current
Use the View button to look at the complete text for the selected condensed clipboard. While viewing the
clipboard, you can copy all or part of it to the operating system clipboard.
Setting the Maximum Number of Clipboards
By default, a stack of your last 50 clipboards are kept, any one of which can be pasted with Ctrl+Shift+V.
To change the maximum number of clipboards saved, from the main menu, click Window → Prefer-
ences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the General setting. On the
General Options dialog, select the More Tab. Enter a value in the Max clipboards spin box.
Working with Lines
There are several options for working with lines as described in the following sections.
Clicking Past the End of a Line
To have the ability to place the cursor past the end of a line, from the main menu, click Window → Pref-
erences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the General setting. On the
General Options dialog, select the General Tab. Select the option Click past end of line.
Highlighting the Current Line
The current line can be highlighted by having a dotted box drawn around it, making the cursor easier to
see. You can choose to make the highlight a box only, or you can choose a box with tab stops, syntax in-
Working with Lines