Sample UNIX Expression Description
ters in the Greek block.
\x{6587} Matches Unicode character with hexadecimal value
6587. Character set intersection. Matches all Uni-
code letters in the Greek block.
[\p{L}-[qw]] Matches all Unicode letters except q and w.
[\p{L}] Matches all Unicode letters.
[\p{Lul}] Matches all Unicode uppercase and lowercase let-
[\P{L}] Matches all Unicode characters that are not letters.
[\p{isGreek}] Matches all Unicode characters in the Greek block.
SlickEdit® Regular Expressions
SlickEdit regular expressions are defined in the following table.
Table 11.14. SlickEdit Regular Expressions
SlickEdit Regular Expression Definition
^ Matches beginning of line.
$ Matches end of line.
? Matches any character except newline.
X+ Minimal match of one or more occurrences of X.
See Minimal versus Maximal Matching for more in-
X# Maximal match of one or more occurrences of X.
X* Minimal match of zero or more occurrences of X.
X@ Maximal match of zero or more occurrences of X.
X:n1 Matches exactly n1 occurrences of X. Use () to
SlickEdit® Regular Expressions