To add syntax expansion and indenting for other languages, complete the following steps:
1. Use the prg.e macro as a template. This file is located in the macros subdirectory of your installation
directory. Make a copy of it and give it another name.
2. Change the #define constants EXTENSION and MODE_NAME near the top of the file to reflect the
new extension and mode name respectively. Do not use any spaces in these constants.
3. Change the name of the first five characters of the _command functions dbase_mode, dbase_enter,
and dbase_space to use the value given to the MODE_NAME constant in Step 2.
4. Modify the prg_expand_enter function to provide the Enter key the desired support.
5. Modify the prg_expand_space function to provide the spacebar key the desired support. If you can
rely on extension-specific aliases, follow the comment in this function.
6. Use the load command Macro → Load Module to load new macro modules.
Steps 4 and 5 require a good understanding of the Slick-C® language and what this specific macro is do-
ing. See the Slick-C® Macro Programming Guide for more information.
Dynamic Surround and Sur-
round With