• Buffer cache size - The value in this field, specifies the maximum amount of memory used to store text
buffer data in kilobytes. A value that is less than zero specifies all available memory.
If the operating system starts the swapping process before the cache is full, performance might
be degraded. The cache size must be smaller than the amount of actual memory available.
• Tag file cache size - You can improve tagging performance by adjusting the tag file cache size to bet-
ter match the size of your tag files. Generally, a tag file cache size that matches the total size of the tag
files being used will provide the best performance. For example, if the tag files for your source code and
libraries adds up to 100 MB, you should set your cache size to 100 MB. You may have to experiment to
find the optimum value. Use the recommendations below as a guide. Note that this is the same option
as found on the Context Tagging Options Dialog. For more information about tagging, see Building and
Managing Tag Files.
• Minimum – 8 MB
• Default – 64 MB
• Ideal – Sum of tag file sizes
• Maximum – 25% of physical system memory
Extension Options Dialog
The behavior of the editor can be customized for files based on specific language extensions. The Exten-
sion Options dialog box (shown below) contains the settings that can be configured for file extensions. To
access this dialog, from the main menu, click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click Gen-
eral in the tree, then double-click the File Extension Setup setting. You can also display the dialog by
using the setupext command.
Figure 10.31. Extension Options Dialog
Extension Options Dialog