SlickEdit Regular Expression Definition
Regular Expressions.
\xhh Matches hexadecimal character hh where
\ddd Matches decimal character ddd where
\gd Defines a back reference to tagged expression
number d. For example, {abc}def\g0 matches the
string abcdefabc. If the tagged expression has not
been set, the search fails.
\c Specifies cursor position if match is found. If the ex-
pression xyz\c is found, the cursor is placed after
the z.
\n Matches newline character sequence. Useful for
matching multi-line search strings. What this
matches depends on whether the buffer is a DOS
(ASCII 13,10 or just ASCII 10), UNIX (ASCII 10),
Macintosh (ASCII 13), or user-defined ASCII file.
Use \d10 if you want to match an ASCII 10 charac-
\r Matches carriage return.
\t Matches tab character.
\b Matches backspace character.
\f Matches form feed character.
\od Matches any 2-byte DBCS character. This escape
is only valid in a match set ([...\od...]). [^\od]
matches any single byte character excluding end-
of-line characters. When used to search Unicode
text, this escape does nothing.
\om Turns on multi-line matching. This enhances the
match character set, or match any character primit-
ives to support matching end-of-line characters. For
example, \om?# matches the rest of the buffer.
Note: Test the regular expression on a very small
file before using it on a large file. This option may
cause the editor to use a lot of memory.
SlickEdit® Regular Expressions