The following settings are available:
• Retag modified files only - If checked, SlickEdit® Core will incrementally rebuild the tag file, only re-
tagging files that have been modified since the last time they were tagged. If not checked, SlickEdit
Core will rebuild the entire tag file from scratch.
• Generate References - If checked, the tag file will be built with support for cross-referencing. Tag files
with support for references are slightly larger and take slightly more time to build. They will also be in-
cluded in all symbol references searches, which may not be necessary, especially for third-party librar-
• Remove all deleted files without prompting - If checked and the tag file contains a source file which
no longer exists on disk, the source file will be removed from the tag file without prompting for confirma-
• Keep all deleted files without prompting - If checked and the tag file contains a source file which no
longer exists on disk, the source file will not be removed from the tag file without prompting for confirm-
The options Remove all deleted files without prompting and Keep all deleted files without
prompting are mutually exclusive—selecting one will deselect the other.
Context Tagging® Options
General Context Tagging® Options
The Context Tagging Options Dialog allows you to set general parameters for the Context Tagging fea-
ture set. Here, you designate how tagging is done, how the references function within the application, and
you can also tune the application to maximize performance. To display this dialog, click Window → Pref-
erences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the Context Tagging Op-
Context Tagging® Options