• Use <DIV> tags for alignment - (Not available in SlickEdit Core.) This option is used by the HTML
toolbar. When this option is selected, the <DIV> tag is used for aligning text. For example, rather than
using a <CENTER> tag to designate alignment, use the following tagging:
• Tag Options - Opens the XML/HTML Formatting Scheme Configuration dialog. See XML/HTML
Formatting for more information.
HTML Beautifier
To beautify an HTML document, open the document you want to beautify, then from the main menu, click
Format → Beautify (or use the gui_beautify command). The HTML Beautifier dialog will be displayed,
which allows you to make settings for how the code will be beautified.
The HTML Beautifier is not affected by XML/HTML Formatting. If you run the beautifier on docu-
ments that have been automatically formatted through XML/HTML Formatting, you may find un-
expected results.
You can use the commands h_beautify or h_beautify_selection to instantly beautify the file or the se-
lection according to the settings on the Beautifier dialog.
The CFML Beautifier contains the same options and settings as the HTML Beautifier.
The following buttons and options are available on the Beautifier:
• Beautify - Beautifies current selection or buffer and closes the dialog box.
• Reset - Restores the dialog box settings to the values that appeared when you invoked the dialog.
• Save Settings - Saves beautify options in uformat.ini file. These settings are used by the
h_beautify command.
• Restrict to selection - When on, only lines in the selection are beautified.
• Sync extension options - When on, the extension options are updated to reflect any changes that
these dialogs have in common.
The tabs on the HTML Beautifier are described in the sections below.
Indent Tab