Restoring Settings on Startup
By default, the files, current directory, and more from the previous edit session are automatically restored
when you switch workspaces or close and re-open the editor.
To access auto restore settings, from the main menu, click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit
and click General in the tree, then double-click the General setting. On the General Options dialog, select
the General Tab. The Auto restore options, listed below, control which elements of your SlickEdit Core
environment that are restored.
• Files - (Unavailable in SlickEdit Core) If checked, the files and windows that were opened in your last
edit session are restored and re-opened when you start the editor.
• Clipboards - If checked, clipboards are saved across edit sessions.
• Working directory - (Unavailable in SlickEdit Core) If checked, the working directory is saved across
edit sessions.
• Workspace files - (Unavailable in SlickEdit Core) If checked, when switching workspaces, the files and
windows that were opened for a workspace when it was last closed will be restored.
• Line modify - If checked, the line modification flags are saved and restored when you save and open
files, respectively. Line modification information for the last 200 files is saved. SlickEdit Core stores line
modification information in temporary files placed in the SelDisp directory. This option works best
when the Modified Lines color coding option is selected (click Window → Preferences, expand
SlickEdit and click General in the tree, double-click the File Extension Setup setting and select the
Advanced Tab).
• Selective display - If checked, Selective Display is saved and restored when saving and opening files,
respectively. Selective Display for the last 200 files is saved. See Selective Display for more informa-
• Symbol browser tree - If checked, the symbol browser tree (see Symbols View) is restored across edit
sessions. The current position (displayed selected) is always restored regardless of this setting.
Restoring Settings on Startup