from a template, as when adding an item template to your project from the Add New Item dialog box, you
can configure your template to replace all substitution parameters with values. For a list of pre-defined
substitution parameters, see Predefined Substitution Parameters.
The Add Parameter dialog contains the following:
• Name - This is the name of the substitution parameter WITHOUT delimiters. For example, if the delim-
iter is $ (the default), then a substitution parameter that inserts a copyright string would have a name of
"copyright" and NOT "$copyright$". Do not use quotes in the name. Valid characters for a parameter
name are: A-Za-z0-9_
• Value - This is the value that the substitution parameter evaluates to when a string or file is created
from the template and has its substitution parameters replaced with values.
• Prompt for value - Check this option if you always want to be prompted for the value of a substitution
parameter. When set, the Value field becomes a default value field and is used to pre-populate the
value when you are prompted.
• Prompt string - Specifies the prompt string to display when being prompted for a substitution paramet-
er value.
Add New Item Dialog
Used to add an item to your current project, the Add New Item dialog is displayed when you click File →
New Item from SlickEdit Template.
Use the Categories list to select a category. Selecting a category populates the Templates list with tem-
plate items for that category. You can then select an item from the Templates list, enter a unique Name
for the item, and enter a Location. Click Add to instantiate the template with the name and location you
You can manage your templates from the Template Manager dialog box by choosing File → SlickEdit
Template Manager.
The Add New Item dialog contains the following:
• Categories - Lists a hierarchy of item categories for installed and user template items.
• Templates - Lists the template items for the currently selected category. When you select a template
item, a brief description for that item is displayed just above the Name field.
• Name - Enter the name of the file you want to create.
For single file templates (templates that create a single file) this is the name of the file. Multi-file
templates use the name of the item entered to form names of files in the template. For more in-
formation about creating multi-file templates, see Creating a Multi-file Template.
Add New Item Dialog