Command Description
ISPF Line Command Show Expose one or more lines having the left-most in-
dentation level in a block of excluded lines.
ISPF Line Command TABS Display the tab definition line.
ISPF Line Command TE Insert one or more blank lines to allow power typing
for text entry.
ISPF Line Command TF Reflow paragraphs according to the current column
boundary settings.
ISPF Line Command TJ Join this line with the next line.
ISPF Line Command TS Divide a line so that data can be added.
ISPF Line Command Uppercase Convert all lowercase letter alphabetic characters in
one or more lines to uppercase.
ISPF Line Command Exclude Specify one or more lines to be hidden (excluded).
ISPF Line Command Select Select a block of lines.
ISPF Line Command Documentation
ISPF Line Labels .label
.label, where label does not start with a z
Define a label to be used as a marker to identify the given line. Labels are used to specify a particular
line, such as in the ispf_locate command, or to specify a range of lines for an primary command to oper-
ate on. The following labels are built in to the ISPF emulation:
• .zfirst - The first line in the buffer (abbreviated .zf).
• .zlast - The last line in the buffer (abbreviated .zl).
• .zcsr - The current line the cursor is on (abbreviated .zc).
See Also
ispf_change, ispf_copy, ispf_delete, ispf_exclude, ispf_find, ispf_flip, ispf_locate, ispf_paste, is-
pf_reset, ispf_sort
ISPF Line Commands