An operator position setting of Beginning of next line would result in:
Seconds := Days
* Hours_Per_Day
* Minutes_Per_Hour
* Seconds_Per_Minute ;
Statements/Declarations Tab
The following options are available on the Statements/Declarations tab:
• Reserved word case - Specifies the case for reserved words. For example, if you choose UPPER,
then the Ada reserved word "procedure" would be beautified to "PROCEDURE".
• One statement per line - When checked, only one statement is allowed per line of code.
• One declaration per line - When checked, only one declaration is allowed per line of code.
• One parameter per line - When checked, only one parameter is allowed per line of code in a formal
parameter list of a subprogram specification.
• One enumeration per line - When checked, only one enumeration is allowed per line of code in an
enumerated type definition.
Horizontal Spacing Tab
This tab allows you to specify how certain operators and separators are padded. The following options
are available:
• Item - Syntactic item to which padding settings get applied.
The "Binary operators" item includes: + - * / ** := = /= => <= >= < >
• Padding Before - When checked, one space is placed before the item.
• Padding After - When checked, one space is placed after the item.
• Padding Preserve - When checked, the original padding (or lack of padding) around the item is pre-
Vertical Alignment Tab
The following options are available on the Vertical Alignment tab:
• Align on declaration colon - When checked, adjacent declaration lines (including parameter specifica-
Ada Beautifier