System Config File Description
format.ini A text file that contains default beautifier schemes.
print.ini A text file that contains default printing schemes.
This file is NOT modified by the dialogs and is not
preserved when a new editor is installed.
prjtemplates.vpt A text file that contains default project packages.
This file is NOT modified by the dialogs and is not
preserved when a new editor is installed.
syscpp.h (UNIX: usyscpp.h) A text file that contains system-defined default pre-
processing for Context Tagging® of C++ and C
vcsystem.slk (UNIX: uvcsys.slk) A text file that contains default version control sys-
tems. This file is NOT modified by the dialogs and is
not preserved when a new editor is installed.
vslick.ini A text file that contains a few miscellaneous op-
tions. Some customizable environment variables for
path searching for macros, bitmaps, and binary files
are stored here as well. This file is NOT modified by
the dialogs and is not preserved when a new editor
is installed.
vslick.sta (UNIX: vslick.stu) A binary file that contains default dialog boxes,
menus, macro pcode, key bindings, and all other
configuration data not stored in one of the other
configuration files.
vslick.vlx A text file that contains default color coding lexer
vsscheme.ini A text file that contains default color schemes. This
file is NOT modified by the dialogs and is not pre-
served when a new editor is installed.
File Search Order