Configuration Variable Description
the Brief emulation. When the editflst.e macro
is loaded, the space-delimited extensions listed by
this variable are filtered out by the edit command's
completion. The default is .ex .obj .exe .lib.
def_buflist Change this variable to find the initial file in Buffer
List. The default is 3. This macro variable determ-
ines how the list_buffers commands displays the
buffer list. By default, the buffer list is sorted and
path information is in a separate column to the right
of the name. This macro variable is composed with
the following flags:
Add the flags together to select a configuration.
Leaving out a flag removes the features. If the buf-
fer list is not sorted, the list will be in the order of the
buffer ring.
If you set this variable to 1, it will show the full path,
which you can order according to path. The default
(3) will show an alphabetical list of the files in the
left column and the directories in the right column.
def_ctags_flags This variable is a safeguard against parsing past
the end of a proc when the braces mismatch. To
have the editor recognize the second dd, go to
Macro → Set Macro Variable, enter
def_ctags_flags, and set the value to 10.
def_deselect_copy Set to 1 in Brief emulation to deselect after a copy.
def_do_block_mode_key Set this variable’s value equal to 0 to stop SlickEdit
Core from inserting characters on every line of a
block selection.
def_eclipse_switchbuf Responsible for Eclipse-style buffer switching with
Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDn. Set to 0 to turn this
functionality off, and be able to bind these keys to
other SlickEdit Core commands. Note that this func-
tionality is currently available for Windows only.
def_error_re2 Edit this variable to change from the SlickEdit Core
regular expression used for compile/build errors.
Table of Configuration Variables