Enforced Client Product Guide Troubleshooting
Error messages
The security level of the browser is too high.
Set the browser’s security level to Medium or Medium-high (see Configure your browser on
page 33).
Internet Explorer is blocking ActiveX controls.
Click the narrow bar at the top of the Installation Denied page and select Install ActiveX Control.
This returns you to the original installation page, where you can enter an email address and
proceed successfully.
The user doesn’t have administrator rights.
Users must have administrator rights to install protection services on client computers. If they
do not, you need to install the standalone installation agent (see
Install the standalone
installation agent on page 34).
A registry file is missing.
The system file REGEDIT.EXE might be missing. Search for that file in the client computer’s
\WINDOWS folder. If the file is missing, replace it using the original Windows install media or
copy it from another computer that is running the same operating system.
The browser cache is full.
Empty the Internet Explorer cache:
versions 5.5 and 6.x
1 Open the Internet Properties dialog box. Either:
Right-click the Internet Explorer icon on the desktop and select Properties.
From Windows Control Panel, open Internet Options.
2 Under Temporary Internet Files, click the Delete Files button.
3 Select Delete all offline content, then click OK. An hourglass appears while the files are being
4 Under Temporary Internet Files, click Settings, then click View Files.
5 Select Edit | Select All.
6 Select File | Delete. It might take a while for all the files to be deleted. When the deletions are
complete. you are returned to the
Internet Properties dialog box.
7 Click OK.
version 7.0
1 Open the Internet Properties dialog box. Either:
Right-click the Internet Explorer icon on the desktop and select Properties.
From Windows Control Panel, open Internet Options.
2 Under Browsing history, click Delete.
3 Under Temporary Internet Files, click the Delete files button.
Installation Declined
This message can appear after a failed installation or uninstallation of Enforced Client. It
indicates that leftover product files need to be removed from the client computer. Remove these
components by downloading and running the MVSUninstall cleanup utility on the computer
where you need to install (see
Download utilities on page 86).