Enforced Client Product Guide User Interface Definitions
Computers tab
Use this page to manage client computers where Enforced Client is installed. You can display
all computers or one of the groups you have created, then select individual computers to manage
or view details.
Select a checkbox next to a computer name to select that computer; select the checkbox in the
heading to select all computers.
Managing your computers
Install protection services
Display details for a computer
View detections for a computer
View user-approved applications for a computer
Send email to computers
Block computers from receiving updates
Delete computers from your reports
Move computers into a group
Make the most of your online data
Customize listings and reports
Specify approved programs
Set up allowed Internet applications
Shows the protection status for your computers. Click a color in the
pie chart to open the
Product Coverage page, which lists details
about the computers with the corresponding status.
The pie chart appears only for services you have installed. For other
services, a status message appears.
Shows the status of your subscriptions and licenses for protection
Buy More
Select a link to open the Product Purchase page, where you can
buy new or additional services, renew services, or sign up for a trial
Select this link to install the protection service on one or more client
computers. The installation wizard will display and step you through
the process of selecting the computers and services to install.
Select this link to subscribe to the email protection service.
Click here to configure
Select this link to configure the email protection service.
Item Description