App - 1 App - 1
Appendix 1 List of Shortcut Keys
Item Shortcut keys A F
[Project (P)]
New Screen (N
) Ctrl+N
Open (O
)... Ctrl+O
Save (S
) Ctrl+S
Print (P
)... Ctrl+P
Exit (X) Alt+F4
[Edit (E)]
Undo (U
) Ctrl+Z
Redo (R
) Ctrl+Y
Cut (T
) Ctrl+X
Copy (C
) Ctrl+C
Paste (S
) Ctrl+V
Delete (D) DEL
Select All (S) Ctrl+A
Group (G
) Ctrl+G
Ungroup (N
) Ctrl+U
Flip Vertical (V
) Ctrl+J
Flip Horizontal (H
) Ctrl+H
Rotate Left (L
) Ctrl+L
Rotate Right (R
) Ctrl+R
Bring to Front (B
) Ctrl+F
Send to Back (K
) Ctrl+B
Attribute (E)... Alt+Enter
[View (V)]
Preview (P
) Ctrl+I
Workspace (W) Alt+0
Property sheet (E) Alt+1
Redisplay F5
[Screen (S)] Close (C) Ctrl+W