App - 12 App - 12
Appendix 4.2 Uploading monitor data
No problem occurs when the software version is the same or newer than the one used to download the
monitor data into the GOT.
GT Designer2 version used to upload the data GT Designer2 version used to download the data
When the monitor data is uploaded with the same or older software version than the one used to
download it, some functions/settings are invalid due to version incompatibility.
The following table shows the compatibility between the software versions.
Software used to download monitor data
Software used to upload monitor data GT Designer2 GT Designer
Version1 Version5.13P or later Version1.00A to Version5.10L
GT Designer2
Version5.13P or later
*1 *2
GT Designer Version1.00A to
: Compatible.
: When uploading the monitor data by older version software, some functions/settings are invalid.
*1: Warning message will appear regardless of whether the data includes the settings of unsupported functions.
*2: Warning message will appear only when the data includes the settings of unsupported functions.
: When opening the monitor data by older version software, some functions/settings are invalid, and also the data is
corrupted.(Warning message will not appear when the data is opened.