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Name Description
New New project file is created.
Open Existing project file is opened.
Save project Editing project is overwritten and saved on the existing file.
New Screen New screen is created.
Open Screen Specified screen is opened.
Cut Figures and objects are cut.
Copy Figures and objects are copied.
Paste Figures and objects are pasted.
Undo The last operation is cancelled to recover the status before change.
Redo The last operation is repeated.
Screen Preview Settings are displayed with the display image on the GOT.
Previous Screen Screen with the number before the current screen number is opened.
Next Screen Screen with the number next to the current screen number is opened.
Unopened Screens
Unopened screen is opened with "Previous/Next Screen" in the
ascending/descending order.
Screen Device List List of devices used is displayed.
Data View All figures and objects arranged on the screen are displayed in a list.
Comment Comment to be displayed with the object function is registered.
Figure and Object Objection of selection is switched to "Figure and Object."