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Appendix 4.3 Downloading monitor data
No problem occurs when the OS version of created monitor data is the same or older than the one
installed in the target GOT.
OS installed in the target GO
OS of created monitor data
When the monitor data is downloaded using the software with the same or newer OS version installed
in the GOT, some functions/settings are invalid due to OS incompatibility.
It is recommended to reinstall the latest OS. (The OS version installed in GOT can be checked within
the utility (internal memory information.)
Appendix 4.4 Copying monitor data from one GOT unit to other unit with a PC
No problem occurs when the OS version in the target GOT is the same or newer than the one in the
source GOT.
Copy monitor data to
OS installed in the tar
et GOTOS installed in the source GOT
If the OS version in the target GOT is the same or older than the one in the source GOT, some
functions/settings are invalid due to OS incompatibility
It is recommended to copy OS with monitor data into PC card, and copy them into the target GOT.
(The OS version installed in GOT can be checked within the utility (internal memory information.)