4. Administering the XDS Control Center
4.1.5 Fixed Public Layouts
As you a lready know, when User Management is OFF, the layouts and presentations created by one XDS user are visible to all XDS
users. Any user of XDS display can view, edit, rename, or delete the layouts and presentations created by other users.
To avoid other XDS users from modifying your layout, you need to enable layouts to be Public. When made public, other XDS users
can only view or launch the public layouts. They can also create their own layouts, but ca nnot edit, rename, or delete a public layout.
In the other case when User Management is ON, the layouts and presentations created by one XDS user are not v
isible to all other
XDS users. So when you m ake the layouts and presentations public, they become visible to all XDS users. You can view or launch
the public layouts but cannot modify them.
Remember that only an adm inistrator can enable layouts to be Public. A lso, the adm inistrator should be the session owner of XDS
display to modify the public layout.
The topic below will let you know how to make a layout public. Making layout public
When User Man agem ent is ON, you can login directly to XDS Control Center with administrator credentials
and follow the instructions from step 4.
How to make layout public?
1. In XDS Control Center, open the Help menu
2. Click Enter Administrator mode
3. Enter the credentials of the XDS administrator login
4. After creating a layout, from the XDS Con trol Center, open the Tools menu
5. Click Save Layout...
Image 4-6
Save Layout option
The Save Layout dialog opens.
Image 4-7
Save Layout dialog
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