3. XDS Control Center
Image 3-2
Start session
Click on Click to start session... to open the XDS control center application. For mo re details, please read the topic below.
The XDS Authentication Dial og
During installation, if you have enabled User Management and selected the option, Automatically at Windows Login, then on
startup/login of Desktop generating P C, the X DS session will open automatically.
If you have enabled User Management and selected the option, Using XDS Authentication Dialog,thenonstartupyouwillbe
prompted to open a session by entering any valid credential of
that particular s erver’s dom ain.
Image 3-3
Authentication window
1. In the User Name text field, enter a valid user name
2. In the Password text field, enter the password for the specified user name
3. In the Domain text field, enter the domain name of the server
4. Click OK
The XDS Control Center application will open a n d the layouts and preferences of this particular session user will be loaded.