10. Troubleshooting
3. Verify if ICDeviceS erver.exe is visible in the list
If not, you need to reboot the system to restart the XDS software
10.4 Source related issues
10.4.1 Error message while launching a source
Solution steps
1. If you receive the following error message Application server is not running when launching a source, from the STA RT menu,
Barco XDS Control Software,clickStop XDS Software
Image 10-9
Stop XDS software
2. Then click Start XDS software to restart
Or, if you have two network cards and on ly one of them is being used, disable the unused network card to resolve the issue.
10.4.2 Launching a source takes long time
There is probably a v ideo conference device in the setup but this device is not responding.
Solution steps
1. Please check if the video conference device is s witched off
2. Or check if the video conference device has a different IP address
3. If problem persists, please see the ICDeviceServer.log file at the following location C:\Program Files\Barco\XDS\logging
10.4.3 Misaligned insert in viewer window
Solution steps
1. Check for the resolution of the display and the projector. Both should be the same.
2. For WND, if File Selection does not seem to selec t the right settings, it may be due to following reas on:
- WND only supports DVI cables and 5BNC cables, so direct DB15 to DB 15 (which giv es EDID info for ana log s ources) is not
WND s upports: