3. XDS Control Center
3. Select a name from the list of contacts that are available. S ee Label 3.
4. Click the green b utton on the bottom of the w idget to establish a call. See Label 4.
When a call is in progress, the red button to end a call is enabled. S ee Label 5 .
Note: You can also double click on the name to start a call.
5. To search for a particular contact: See Label 6.
a) In the Search text field, enter the name of the contact
Image 3-162
b) Then click the Search button
This will identify and list the contacts that match the specified name in the selected group.
c) To close the search section, click the Close button
3.9.4 Adding a contact during a call
How to add a contact during a call?
You can add and call additional contacts while a call is in progress. After Dialing a contact, you will find a ’+’ sign appear on the
green Call button
1. Click Phone Book to select another contact, or click Dialer to enter the number of t he additional contact
2. Click the green Call button to add and call a co ntact
3. Proceed with the same s teps 1 and 2 to add more contacts to the c all
3.9.5 Removing a contact during a call
How to remove a contact during a call?
1. From the Phone Book, select the participant yo u want to remove from the ongoing call
2. Click the red End Call button
to remove a contact
3.9.6 Arranging the names in alphabetical order
How to arrange names in alphabetical order?
1. Click Phone Book
The contacts will be listed in the order of crea tion date.
2. Click Name