
3. XDS Control Center Using preset option
How to use the preset option?
Preset option enables you to store the current state of the video conference system w hich may include camera settings, microphone
settings, and more. You can save a preset and activate the preset from X DS. You can set o r overwrite by saving to any available
preset id.
1. Make all the settings that you require
Image 3-179
Using the preset option
2. From the video conference control view, click Presets tab
3. Click Save... to save the current s tate of video conference s
ystem as a preset
4. Click Activate to activate the selected preset for any conference
3.10 Installing the license le
To install a new license le to X DS, you need to i
mport the obtained license le to XDS to start using the XDS application.
3.10.1 Importing the license le to XDS
License is not required to run XDS Client software or XDS Remote Pointer software because all license check-
ing is performed at the XDS display (desktop g enerating PC).
How to import the license le to XDS?
Perform the following steps to import the license le to XDS, and to start using the application.
1. Login to the XDS display PC with adm ini
strator privileges
2. Save the acquired license le in a folder, for e.g. C:\\XDS.lic
3. From the X DS Control Center, open the Help menu
4. Click Import License File
5. Select the license le from location where it is saved
In this case, it is at C:\\XDS.lic
6. Restart the XDS display PC
7. Login as a normal user
Note: To know how to get different license le depending on your type of installation requirement, see "Getting license", page