3. XDS Control Center
3. Select the require d frame rate or select Unlimited.
Note: Unlimited is the maximum frame rate that can be set. It is equal to the highest poss ible frame rate that the CPU of the
XDS Control Center PC (display) can support at that point of time.
3.7.9 Setting image quality
The image quality option appears only for XDS Desktop Sharing source.
How to set image quality?
Image quality settings has effects on frame rate and network bandwidth usage.
1. Right-click on the source to open the context menu
2. Select Image Quality
Image 3-88
Context menu: Select image quality
3. You can select any of the standard options: Low, Medium, High,orHighest
Note: Setting the image quality to Low will result in lower qua lity image compression, higher frame rate, and less network
bandwidth usage.
3.7.10 Enabling hardware acceleration
hardware acceleration
Using hardware to perform a function faster than is possible in software running on the CPU.
This option appears only for a desktop sharing sou rce. Switching on hardware acce leration forces scaling to
be executed in the GPU.
How to enable hardware acceleration?
1. Right-click inside the viewer window to open the context menu
2. Click Hardware Accelerated