5. XDS Remote Administration Center
Using the Remote Administration Center, you can ad minister multiple XDS Displays in a network. The various functions that you
can perform using the XDS Remote Administration Center are discussed in the topics below.
5.1 Key capabilities
User Management
From the XDS Remote Administration C enter, the Admin users can add or delete X DS users, change user privileges, restrict user
access, set auto-logout timer, and change user m anagement settings.
Diagnostics of XDS Displays
The A dmin users can v iew the diagnostics o f the XDS D isplays such as, s tatus of running displays, sources connected to the running
XDS displays, clients connected to r unning XDS displays.
XDS Display control
The Admin users can control XDS Displays by closing XDS Sessions, switching on or switching off XDS displays, rebooting XDS
Displays, sending message to XDS Displays, viewing all the local and external displays, connecting to/disconnecting from XDS
Displays , and re moving ina ctiv e XD S D isp la ys.
Read the topic below to know how to install the XDS Remote Administration Center.
5.2 Installing XDS Remote Administration Center
Procedure to install XDS Remote Administration Cen ter
1. Follow the procedure in "Selecting the client application", page 127 to start the installation
2. Select XDS Remote Administration Center
Image 5-1
Install XDS remote administration center
3. Click Next> to proceed
4. Read the instructions carefully from every w izard and click Next> to proceed to nex t steps
Note: The installation steps will be similar to Installing XDS Remote Control Center.